
nbakcp是谁(nba kp是谁)

kszqyz kszqyz 发表于2023-04-07 04:40:07 浏览242 评论0


本篇文章给大家谈谈nbakcp是谁,以及nba kp是谁对应的知识点,希望对各位有所帮助,不要忘了收藏本站喔。


Lakers center Montrezl Harrell shouts toward an official during a loss to the Dallas Mavericks on Thursday. Harrell didn't play in Saturday's loss to Dallas. (Tony Gutierrez / Associated Press)

湖人中心蒙特雷斯-哈雷尔在周四输给达拉斯独行侠时对一名官员大喊。 哈雷尔在周六输给达拉斯的比赛中没有上场。(托尼-古铁雷斯/美联社)

The Lakers find themselves in a quandary: how to use all three of their centers since they signed Andre Drummond and made him the starter.


On Saturday night at Dallas, Montrezl Harrell was the odd man out, sitting the entire game and watching Marc Gasol get the playing time as the backup behind Drummond.

周六晚上,在达拉斯, 蒙特雷斯-哈雷尔是一个古怪的人,他整场比赛都坐在那里,看着马克-加索尔作为德拉蒙德的后援获得上场时间。

Lakers coach Frank Vogel has said all three of his big men are important to the success of the team and all would play.

湖人教练弗兰克 -沃格尔说,他的三个大个子对球队的成功都很重要,他们都会上场。

“Keeping all three centers sharp,” Vogel said of the decision. “You’ve got two in a back-to-back situation with Dallas and giving each guy a look and seeing how those guys look in this matchup. But like I said, we believe in all three centers and we need to keep all three centers sharp. That’s all.”

"让所有三个中锋都保持锐利, "沃格尔谈到这个决定时说。 "你有两个人背靠背地和达拉斯比赛,让每个人看看,看看他们在这场比赛中的表现。但就像我说的那样,我们相信所有三个中锋,我们需要保持所有三个中锋的锐利。仅此而已。 "

Harrell had played in the first 59 games and is averaging 13.9 points and 6.6 rebounds. He has been a force off the bench for the Lakers, giving them a lift.


Vogel said he talked with Harrell before the game.


“He understands the big picture and what we’re trying to get accomplished, and he was great with it," Vogel said. "He understood.”

沃格尔说: "他理解大局和我们正在努力实现的目标,他对此非常擅长。他理解这一点。 "

Five takeaways from the Lakers’ 108-93 loss to the Mavericks:

湖人108 - 93输给独行侠的五个收获:

1. Gasol played his usual game for the Lakers, doing a little of this and a little of that.

1 . 加索尔为湖人打了一场平常的比赛,做了一些这样和那样的事情。

He played 18 minutes 28 seconds and scored just one point. He had seven rebounds, two assists and one block.

他打了18分28秒,只得分1分,他有7个篮板, 2次助攻和1次盖帽。

Though he’s dealing with a fractured left pinkie finger, Gasol is healthy enough to play. He didn’t play Thursday at Dallas and fully understands what Harrell went through Saturday.

虽然他正在处理左小指骨折的问题,但加索尔很 健康 ,他没有在达拉斯参加周四的比赛,完全理解哈雷尔周六的表现。

“It’s not an ideal situation for anybody,” Gasol said. “I’m sure that I’ve just been in that situation and not play for a few games and nobody likes that. But, you know, it’s whatever coach wants us to do and we going to try to execute and do the best possible and stay ready and the days that you don’t have a game where you’re not planning to play, but it’s not ideal.

加索尔说: "这对任何人来说都不是理想的情况。 "我确信我只是处于这种情况,没有人喜欢打几场比赛。但是,你知道,这是教练想要我们做的任何事情,我们将努力执行和尽最大努力,做好准备,并在你没有计划比赛的日子里,但这并不理想。

“As a player, you always like to know the consistency of when you’re going to play, how you are going to play. But we have a very deep team and if coach wants to play three guys or two guys for one spot, it’s going to take a lot of buying in.”

"作为一名球员,你总是喜欢知道你将在什么时候踢球,你将如何踢球。但我们有一支非常深的球队,如果教练想在一个位置上和三个或两个人比赛,那将需要大量的买入。 "

2. The Lakers had far too many defensive breakdowns against the Mavericks, allowing them to get plenty of open looks at the rim. The plan of double-teaming Luka Doncic really didn’t work.

2 . 湖人在对独行侠的防守中出现了太多的失误,让他们对防线有了足够的开阔视野。双线卢卡-东契奇的计划真的不起作用。

Dallas scored 44 points in the paint, often coming when Doncic (13 assists) found Dwight Powell rolling to the basket for dunks and layups en route to a game-high 25 points on 11-for-12 shooting.

达拉斯得分44分, 东契奇(13次助攻)在12投11中获得25分的比赛新高时发现德怀特-鲍威尔在篮筐中滚动扣篮和上篮。

“We just weren’t great with the rotations,” Vogel said. “They did some things with cutting and spacing. And when we did make the rotation, we didn’t make the stop. It’s one thing to be there. You’ve got to make the play when you’re there. As you saw with Powell going 11 for 12, we didn’t do a good enough job when we rotated of getting stops in those situations.”

"我们只是在旋转方面做得不好, "沃格尔说。 "他们在切割和间隔方面做了一些事情。当我们进行旋转时,我们没有停下来。在那里是一回事。当你在那里时,你必须发挥。正如你看到的那样, 鲍威尔 12分11秒,当我们在这些情况下旋转时,我们没有做得足够好。 "

3. With guard Kentavious Caldwell-Pope out with a sprained right ankle, Ben McLemore started and was on point with his shooting.

3 .在后卫肯塔维奥斯-考德威尔-波普右踝扭伤出局的情况下, 本-麦克勒莫开始了他的投篮。

McLemore had 20 points, going seven for 12 from the field, six for 10 from three-point range.

麦克勒莫得到了20分,其中7分12分, 6分10分3分。

He started strong with 12 points in the first quarter.


“Ben filled in for KCP admirably, competed on both sides of the ball and when a guy’s shooting the ball that well from the perimeter, it should open things up,” Vogel said. “Didn’t enough for us. Obviously, we didn’t get to the basket enough in the second half. But Ben gave us a good lift, especially at the start of the game.”

沃格尔说: "本出色地填补了KCP的空缺,在球的两边都有比赛,当一个人把球打得很远的时候,这应该会打开局面。 "对我们来说还不够。显然,我们在下半场的篮得分不够。但本给了我们一个很好的提升,尤其是在比赛开始时。 "

4. The defeat left the Lakers, seeded fifth in the Western Conference, just 1½ games ahead of the Mavericks, who are sixth.

4 .在西部大联盟(Western Conference)排名第五的湖人只比独行侠领先1.5场, 独行侠排名第六。

The Lakers have lost three consecutive games and five of their last seven, but they maintained that seeding is not a big issue for the defending NBA champions.


“No, I think seeding is … It matters for a lot of other teams in the league. I don't think it matters much for us,” Kyle Kuzma said. “Obviously, we're declining, you know? And we gotta just figure it out.”

"不,我认为播种......对联盟中的许多其他球队来说很重要。我认为这对我们来说并不重要, " 凯尔-库兹玛说。 "显然,我们在下降,你知道吗?我们必须弄清楚这一点。 "

5. The Lakers fell apart in the fourth quarter, scoring just 14 points and giving up 29.

5 . 湖人在第四节分崩离析,只得到14分,放弃29分。

They shot 31.6% in the fourth and missed all 10 of their three-pointers.

他们在第四节的命中率为31.6% ,并错过了所有10个三分球。

After leading by 12 at halftime, they had given back all of it in the third quarter, then couldn't recover in the fourth.


Anthony Davis, who checked back in with 8:34 left and the Lakers leading 83-80, missed four of five shots in the quarter and finished five for 19. He's seven for 29 since returning to the lineup.

安东尼-戴维斯在8点34分退场, 湖人以83 - 80领先,在本场比赛中5投4中, 19投5中。自回归阵容以来,他29投7中。

This story originally appeared in Los Angeles Times.



食指 - 想结婚,表示未婚;

中指 - 已经在恋爱中;

无名指 - 表示已经订婚或结婚;

小指 - 表示独身。










































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我爱我校 英语演讲稿


我爱学校 如果说我的童年就像一串贝壳的话,那么我在XXX学校的生活一定是其中最美的一枚。我在我爱学校 学会了做人,学会了许多知识,我在这里快乐地成长。我爱这个温暖的大集体,爱它的团结一心,爱它的环境优雅,爱它的活动丰富多彩。学校组织同学参加比赛,同学们踊跃报名;打扫校园卫生,我们人人动手;建立课外小组,大家争着参加。 有这么一件事,给我留下了不可磨灭的印象。还记得是在2002年的新年联欢会时,教室 布置得美极了!五颜六色的彩条挂满了教室,黑板上写着"新年快乐"几个大字,下面还画着几匹可爱的小马,玻璃上喷着"新年快乐"的字样。大会开始了,我和柳云鹏作为主持人郑重向大家宣布:"’新年联欢会现在开始!"之后,同学们表演了自编的舞蹈、小话剧、朗诵诗等,尽情地抒发我们的欢乐。掌声、笑声此起彼伏。我们还进行了好多有意思的游戏。突然,门开了,赵舒忆的妈妈满面笑容地抱着两大盒蛋糕走了进来。"噢,吃蛋糕喽!"大家兴奋地欢呼起来。"现在开始分蛋糕!让我们欢呼--!"柳云鹏喜悦地挥动着双手说。顿时,欢呼声像大海的波浪一浪高过一浪。俞老师轻轻揭开蛋糕盒。哇,这个蛋糕实在是太漂亮了!绿色猕猴桃和橙色菠萝片与鲜红的"生日快乐"映在一起格外好看。俞老师拿出刀子,把蛋糕分成一块块递给大家。嘴里不断地说着祝福的话。我接过蛋糕,心里十分激动。我知道,这蛋糕意味着我们进入了新的一年;我们长大了,成熟了,变得更加聪明了,应该更懂事,更懂得为他人服务了。想当初,我们只是一个什么事也不懂的小毛孩,而今我们已成为学校里的大哥哥大姐姐了。这离不开老师的教育,离不开学校的培养。在这欢歌笑语声中,我们结束了新年联欢会。我看着满脸笑容的同学,感到心里高兴极了。啊,这样的集体,让我怎能不爱,怎能不感到快乐? 我爱我的集体,我爱我的学校,因为它充满欢乐。我在这里快乐地成长!如果你问我,你的母校怎么样,我会自豪地对你说:"它是我心中的乐园!"


I love the school, if say my childhood like a string of shells, then I think the life of the school in the XXX is one of the most beautiful one. I have learned a man I love the school and learned a lot of knowledge, I am here to grow up happily. I love the warmth of the big collective, united as one love it, love its elegant environment, love its rich variety of activities. School students to participate in organized competition, students are encouraged to register; clean up the campus health, we are all hands-on; the establishment of extra-curricular groups, everyone fighting over who gets to participate. So one thing left me with an indelible impression. Also remember that it was New Year's party in 2002, when

Classroom layout looks extremely beautiful! The color bars covered with colorful classroom on the blackboard the words "Happy New Year" a few characters, the following horses are running in the lovely painted pony, glass puffing "Happy New Year" message. The General Assembly began, me and Liu Yunpeng as a moderator to tell you solemnly announced: " 'New Year's party now!", The students were performing a self-compiled dance, little drama, poetry recitation, heartily express our joy. Applause, laughter break out. We also conducted a lot of interesting games. Suddenly, the door opened, Zhao Shu Yi Smiling mother holding two box cake walked. "Oh, the cake myself!

"Everyone cheered excitedly." Sub-cake now! Let us cheer -! "Liu Yunpeng joyfully waving his hands, said. Suddenly, a wave of cheering audio-visual sea wave after wave. Yu teacher gently lifted cake boxes. Wow, this cake is so beautiful! Green kiwi fruit and orange, pineapple pieces and the bright red "Happy Birthday" Picture with exceptionally good-looking. Yu teacher was showing the knife, the cake into pieces and handed us one. mouth constantly spoke words of blessing. I took the cake was so excited. I know that this cake means that we have entered a new year; we grow up, mature and become more intelligent, and

Should be more sensible, more know for others services. At first, we just do not understand what happened to Xiao Maohai, and now we have become the school's Big Brothers Big Sisters of the. This requires the teacher's education is inseparable from the cultivation of the school. The sound of this song and laughter, we ended the New Year get-together. I saw the smiles of the students are extremely happy heart. Ah, such a collective, so how can I not love it, how can we not feel happy? I love my group, I love my school, because it is full of joy. Here I grow up happily! If you ask me, how kind of your alma mater, I will proudly say to you: "It is my heart's paradise!"


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