

kszqyz kszqyz 发表于2022-10-30 12:56:13 浏览1916 评论0












石油资源丰富、战略位置重要的海湾地区历来风云诡谲。1991 年,这一地区爆发了牵动全球的海湾战争。时隔12年,伊拉克战争又在那里爆发。在这两场战争中,美国和伊拉克都扮演了主角。伊拉克两次都是被打击的目标,而美国两次都是对伊拉克实施打击的主导者。

这两场战争的内在联系在于海湾战争后美伊矛盾不但没有化解反而不断加剧。然而,这两场战争在许多方面存在明显差别。比较这些差别,人们会发现,伊拉克战争本是一场不该发生的战争。从战争诱因来看,海湾战争的直接原因是1990 年8月伊拉克对科威特的入侵和吞并。














两伊战争简介 两伊战争是什么原因造成的


急求!!!世界历史上最有影响的战争 英文简介

According to England “The Times“ in June, 2004 reported, in First World War period, probably
some 250,000 English boys are recruited by the government to enlist, rush to the reactionary
reign of terror European theater, these “boy soldier“ the age all is lower than the legal
age limit ---18 years old, one about the half “the boy soldier“ all died in battle nearly in
the front or is wounded. The English government to recruited 250000 “the boy scout“ the
scandal which the participation as soon as fought to conceal sedulously for more than 80
years, until on the other day, the research war history historian only then had discovered
from the historical file this astonishing secret, the historical documentary film which “the
testimony film and television“ the company manufactured by England “the English Boy scout“
last night “the fourth channel“ on discloses this historical truth for the first time in
Reveals: 250,000 boy scouts leave for the battlefield:
After a war eruption, the short two months, have 750,000 English men to respond the
propaganda to enlist in the military, many people all are the underage boys which Weak, is
smallest even only then 14 years old. Although then English Prime Minister Asquith and his
cabinet clearly knew many calls up for service the boys have not all achieved the legal age
limit ---18 years old, but in order to recruit to the enough military strength, all opens
the eyes to shut. According to the historian disclosed that, at that time some 250,000
English boys are probably called up for service by the government, rush to the reactionary
reign of terror European theater, has become out-and-out England “the boy scout“.
Recollection: Made a false report the age enlistment government pretends ignorance:
Present age 106 year-old Cecile -Withers was still lives until now in a world minority
several war “the boy scout“ one, in the past he enlist in the military to should
government’s summons when only then 17 years old. Withers recollects the road: “They simply
do not be born the age to me to prove that, I like this easily enlisted in the military. At
that time many 15 year-old boys all made a false report oneself already 20 year old or 19
years old, they also all smoothly enlisted in the military ---the present to think really
shocking.“ Withers from the very beginning even will not have matter of the enlistment to
inform own parents, he will be registers with a fictitious name and the vacation family
address. Withers road: “At that time many boys the reason that enlisted only were because in
the family was poor, after they thought enlisted may fill the belly.“
Shock: 17 years old “the military deserter“ is executed:
The document demonstrated, “boy scout“ if occurs in the battlefield is absent-minded works
as military deserter’s behavior, similarly must execute by the firing squad, East London boy
Abraham -Bevis is peaceful because is unfortunate. When he accepted a job offer enlisted
only then 16 years old in September, 1914, in February, 1915, Bevis was peaceful because
Behind is hit in a lucky prosperous Greece’s campaign is injured, is escorted to a hospital
to accept the treatment. When soon returns to the front, a hand grenade explodes in his side
not far away, fully suffered Bevis which frightens to be peaceful because is not willing to
return to the battlefield to go again. A military medical service official orders him to
return to the front trench to go immediately, after Bevis is peaceful because rejects the
command prompt, he encountered in March 20, 1916 has executed. At that time his death record
demonstrated he has 21 years old, however in fact, he at that time only then 17 years old.
Sighs woefully: The young boy scout 16 years old died in battle:
Came from England to suppose Fielder city Huo Russ -Iraqi Lies is at that time the youngest
England “the boy scout“ one, when he accepted a job offer enlisted only then 14 years old.
After two years, at the French Sohm river campaign first day, he on are hit by the enemy
side shell got killed. Front it is reported died in battle in Iraqi Lies, his elder sister
not Luo river Li once wrote a letter entreats him, wanted him to say own to the military
real age. Not Luo river Li write in the letter: “dear Huo Russ, tells them you the real age,
I believed they can safely deliver you to come back.“ However not the Luo river Li’s letter
actually has been drawn back, above has also attached line of characters: “already died in
battle“. Huo Russ -Iraqi Lies dies when only then 16 years old.
Resistance: Britain congressman rushes about for the boy scout:
It is reported, England’s Liberal Party Congressman Arthur - Mark Tom felt the anxiety at
that time to these young children’s safety. He did has been massive diligently, attempted to
convince the English war office person in charge, secretaries of war Kitchener issues an
order to guarantee the tens of thousands of names “the boy scout“ the soldier to be able
safely to withdraw from the European theater. However, the English government ignores to the
Mark Tom appeal. Mark Tom angrily accuses the English government to use the fraudulence
method to deceive these children to enlist in the military, but his sound too lonely, too
was also small and weak. In August, 1916, 50 year-old Mark Tom died in heart disease arises
suddenly, from this time on again not artificial “the boy scout“ entered a war the incident
to express to the English government protested


两伊战争(Iran-Iraq War),在伊朗被称为伊拉克入侵战争,是发生在伊朗和伊拉克之间的一场从1980年至1988年,长达8年的边境战争。伊朗和伊拉克在地理位置上都属于西亚。又称为第一次波斯湾战争,在伊朗被称为伊拉克入侵战争、神圣抗战、或伊朗革命战争,伊拉克方面称为萨达姆的卡迪西亚,是发生在伊朗和伊拉克之间的一场长达8年的边境战争。战争于1980年9月22日爆发,1987年7月23日和1988年7月18日,伊拉克和伊朗各自接受了联合国的停火决议,但双方直至1988年8月20日才正式停止战斗。2015年9月22日,伊朗举办纪念两伊战争爆发35周年伊朗举行盛大阅兵式。




美国在朝鲜半岛有数万人阵亡,而且几乎就要与中国和苏联两个社会主义大国爆发全面战争。但是在经过了越南战争后的美国人,几乎已经遗忘了这场战争。因此朝鲜战争又被称为“被遗忘的战争”(The Forgotten War)。朝鲜战争也令美国人首次意识到,战争的威胁随时存在。战争结束后,美国军队人员数量增加了两倍,军费开支大幅度上升。